“One hundred forty-four children sat entranced…”
Juggler Yoder performed as part of our VBS at La Porte First Church of God.
This is his second year performing here, and his performances are the highlight of our VBS. One hundred forty-four children sat entranced as LaMar Yoder juggled balls, clubs, rings, swords, and torches. The juggling was great, and so was the message. LaMar connected his juggling with the truth of the Bible in several clever ways. He used volunteers, and he was constantly connecting with the audience in some way. The parents heard several stories about LaMar’s performance that night. One toddler who was trying to tell her mother about the torches said, “The juggler set marshmallows on fire, and he threw them in the air!” It was a great show, and we’ll be glad to have Juggler Yoder back next
Marty Briggs – LaPorte First Church of God LaPorte, IN.